Vampires have been around for as long as mankind has existed. Nobody knows how they came about, though, if you ask, a handful of demons will claim responsibility for their creation. Lilith, for instance, insists that she birthed the first vampire right after she left Adam and the Garden of Eden.


Only humans and witches can be turned into vampires. The process is long and painful and because of this, many don’t live through it. It starts when a vampire forces a human to consume their blood. The vampire must then drink deeply from them, and after that, they must be killed and buried. The transformation takes up to three days and during that time, the would be vampire must stay covered in soil, or risk true death. If they climb out of their grave too soon, they risk exposure and destruction by sunlight. If they survive, they will emerge as a vampire. For the first year, new vampires are unpredictable and controlled by their lust for blood. For this reason, their sires usually keep a close eye on them. Most vampires who are abandoned end up being killed by hunters.


long lived • enhanced strength • enhanced senses • enhanced durability • enhanced reflexes • superhuman speed • healing factor • immunity to disease, illness, poisons, toxins • hypnosis


direct exposure to sunlight • decapitation • removal of the heart • werewolf blood (can kill if consumed)
Most shapeshifters hold the belief that they were created thousands of years ago, after the mortal king, Lycaon, served human flesh to a powerful witch. As punishment, she transformed him into a savage beast, as well as all of his children. Lycaon became a wolf, but his offspring were transformed into other animals, such as bears, lions, tigers, etc. The bite of these creatures was contagious, and so, over time, the population grew.


Shifters can be born or created. Two shifters will produce a shifter child, but a human woman with a shifter mate can also produce a shifter child. If a human is bitten by a shifter, the wound will heal within twenty four hours, and when the next full moon rolls around, they will experience their first transformation.


long lived (up to 300 years) • enhanced strength • enhanced senses • enhanced durability • healing factor (three times that of a human) • immunity to disease, illness, poisons, toxins • transformation (into a full animal, no half-human, half-animal)


for new shifters (under five years) shifting is incredibly painful • silver • must transform during full moons • when transformed, they take on the mind of their animal • can be killed by decapitation, blood loss, extreme trauma to the body, etc • vampire blood (can kill if consumed)
Demons are malevolent beings from cultures all around the world. While Abrahamic demons may be the most well known, they can be found in most religions and even in folklore. For a list of playable demons, look here.


They can be born or created. Witches are able to create a demon from a human being, through extremely dark magics, but these demons will never be as powerful as those who were created by higher beings or born to two demons. A human mother may give birth to a half-human, half-demon child. They too are weaker than demons created by higher powers, or born to two demons parents.


extremely long lived • enhanced strength • enhanced senses • enhanced durability • healing factor • immunity to disease, illness, poisons, toxins • different powers depending on the type of demon (please list these in your application)


iron • decapitation • removal of the heart • holy water • magic
A kind of lesser demon, hellhounds often serve as companions and guard dogs to vampires. They watch over them while they sleep, hunt alongside them, protect them during the daylight hours, and do their bidding. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Some take on the form of a domestic dog, while others turn into wolves, jackals, or coyotes.


A hellhound must be born. Only two hounds can create another hound. They’re usually born in litters of three to six.


enhanced strength • enhanced senses • enhanced durability • healing factor (two times that of a human) • immunity to disease, illness, poisons, toxins • transformation (into their canine form)


short lifespan (up to seventy years) • iron • magic • can be killed by decapitation, blood loss, extreme trauma to the body, etc
Always born. Magic cannot be learned. Must have at least one witch parent.


magic • enhanced lifespan (up to 200 years)


iron • can be killed by decapitation, blood loss, extreme trauma to the body, etc • if turned by a vampire or shifter, they will lose their magic
Deities are otherworldly beings from cultures all across the world. Before the rise of Christianity, they were at their strongest and their worshipers were many, which meant that their power was immense. Unfortunately, deities need belief to exist, and these days, most of them are severely lacking in that.




immortal • enhanced senses, strength, healing, durability, reflexes • immunity to sickness and disease • various other powers depending on the specific deity and what they represent


need belief to survive • divine weapons, such as Artemis' bow, Thor's hammer, Zeus' thunderbolt • various other weaknesses, depending on the god (for instance, baldr was weak to mistletoe and was able to be killed by it)
...Humans. No powers. Some of them devote themselves to the eradication of supernatural creatures. These humans are called hunters, and are dangerous in their own right.
• Fae

• Spirits

• Mermaids/Mermen

• Sirens

• Dragons

If you choose to bring in a character who is one of the species listed above, you will need to provide a list of strengths and weaknesses in their application. If you would like to bring in a character whose species is not listed, please dropbox your idea first.