Kingdom Come is a large city created solely to house supernaturals, and to keep them away from the general human population. It was created with the help of witches, and has been open for residency since March of 2005. The city seems to be located somewhere in the Northeastern Unites States. Unlike any mundane city, Kingdom Come is able to magically grow to accommodate its population. It's surrounded by farmland, an expanse of mountain ranges and forests. In reality, Kingdom Come inhabits a space that is… well, nowhere. Nobody ever just stumbles upon this place accidentally and you won’t find it on any map.
Congratulations! You’ve been taken. Maybe you were asleep, or embarking on a brisk early morning walk. You might have been thrown into the back of a van and driven for hours to your destination, only to be hurled out into a ditch. Maybe you slept through the whole trip, and woke up in a dingy motel room. You might remember being taken, or you might not. It doesn’t matter. All that matters now is that you are here. Your car might be waiting for you outside. Your life’s savings might be on the floor beside the bed you woke up in. Or maybe not. You could be one of the unlucky ones, arriving with nothing but the clothes on your back.
what now?
Well, you’d better settle in. Get comfortable. Because you’re not leaving any time soon. A job might be waiting for you. Or maybe it won’t be that easy. Maybe you’re going to have to start with nothing. If you came without money, you’ll be given a one room apartment in The Sodom and Gomorrah Apartment Complex. For the first month following your arrival, you will be provided with basic necessities, such as food, clothes, even a phone so that you can communicate with the rest of the city’s residents. After the month is up, you’ll be expected to make your own way.
Unlucky. Enjoy your stay.
Over the years, a hierarchy has formed within the city of Kingdom Come. Most species have appointed a leader to represent and police them in ways that vary between the different races. The fae have a King/Queen. The shifters have Alphas, a male and a female. Depending on the players, they can have one pack, or two separate packs. The hellhounds have an Alpha. The vampires have a Lord. Merpeople have a Matriarch. Demons have a King or Queen. Witches have Coven Leaders. Currently, there are two Covens in Kingdom Come, a dark and a light.
Don’t worry, there’s Wi-Fi! You’ll be able to see all the newest movies, binge watch your favorite television shows, stay caught up with the news. You won’t be able to make contact with anyone outside of Kingdom Come, though. Sorry!
• Players must be 18+. There will be violence, sexual situations, and horror themes present in the game.

• There is currently a character limit of eight. This may change in the future.

• Characters or PBs under the age of eighteen are not allowed to participate in any scenes that are sexual in nature. If you break this rule, you will be kicked from the game, no questions asked.

• No godmodding. If you see somebody else doing it, please report it to the mod immediately.

• Don’t be a dick. If you have a problem with another player, work it out or come to the mod. If you’re causing drama OOC, you will be given one warning, and if you do it again, you will be removed from the game.

• Interact with other players! Plot! Throw two characters who have never met at each other and see what happens.

• Stay active! Activity check will happen once every two months, at the end of the month. You’ll need to show that you’ve been active with your characters to pass.