During the summer of 1975, government officials all across the world discovered the existence of supernaturals. Not wanting to alarm the public, they kept what they knew a secret, in the hopes that the world would stay as it was.

Humans in the light.

Monsters in the dark.

During the spring of 1999, a dozen newly made vampires attacked the denizens of a pub in Ireland. The result was a bloodbath. Government officials were able to cover it up to the best of their abilities.

People began to talk. Some of the more outspoken folks vanished. They were written off as runaways, murder victims, accidents.

In 2007, a werewolf went on a rampage in Central Park. Hunters were able to catch and kill him, but not before he bit over a dozen men, women and children. These men, women and children would vanish under mysterious circumstances less than a week later.

There is a town that exists on another plane of existence, built by humans and magic users, cut off from the rest of the world.

They call it Kingdom Come. Kingdom Come is where you go when you’re deemed a monster, or just not important enough in the grand scheme of things. Kingdom Come is a town full of vampires, werewolves, hounds, demons, humans nobody will miss, all of them caught and delivered against their will, trapped by invisible walls. Once you enter Kingdom Come, there is no leaving. This is your home now, for better or for worse.