Greeks Premise


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Abilities & Skills






In the beginning, the universe was formless, an empty void. The first ever god, Chaos, ruled over the vast expanse of nothingness for eons. There was no sun or moon or earth, no night or day. Eventually, Chaos grew lonely and created Nyx, the goddess of the night, and Erebus, the god of darkness, and then Gaia, the goddess of the earth. For the first time ever, the world bloomed with life.

Gaia gave birth to Uranus, the god of the sky, and together they began to rule the world. Unfortunately, all was not well. Uranus was not a good father to their children, locking those he deemed most monstrous within the bowels of the earth itself. Distraught, Gaia sought out her sons, the Titans, and convinced them to overthrow their father.

During the Golden Age, the Titans Cronus and Rhea reigned over the earth. Under their watchful eyes, peace and prosperity and harmony were abundant. Mankind lived lives of leisure.

“[Men] lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all devils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace.”

A dire prophecy came to fruition, warning Cronus that one of his sons would usurp him just as he had usurped his own father. Desperate to keep his throne, Cronus devoured all of his children. Heartbroken over losing her sons and daughters, Rhea turned against her husband, feeding him a stone instead of his youngest son. Zeus was raised in secret, and once he was old enough and strong enough, he forced Cronus to release his siblings and together they waged war on the Titans. They won, bringing an abrupt and brutal end to the Golden Age.

Zeus took his sister, Hera, as his wife. The Olympians took their thrones. Pandora was created, and with her, mankind as we know it sprang forth. Earth teemed with mortals and gods and monsters, with heroes and villains and everything in between. Wars were waged, fought or lost, and the gods who had created mankind took advantage of not only them, but of the sweet nymphs and even of the lesser deities who roamed among them. Many of the gods saw those weaker than them as only playthings, to be raped and murdered and pillaged.

From their lofty place of dwelling high above the earth, Chaos took notice of how the world had been ravaged under the reign of Zeus and those loyal to him. Chaos heard voices cry out in agony and anger and pain. They narrowed their eyes down at Zeus and thought… What if?

Three thousand years ago, war broke out between the gods. Ares, having had enough of his father’s disapproval and enraged that Zeus had taken one of his daughter’s against her will, sought to overthrow him. Gods and monsters and other non-human beings took sides. The war lasted a decade and it left absolute devastation in its wake. Olympus burned and the Underworld was left in ruin.

This was the last straw for Chaos. The other Primordial gods agreed that enough was enough. Knowing that they would need all the power they could get to set the world right again, Chaos and their allies thought long and hard and finally, decided that Cronus was their best bet. He had ruled over the Golden Age, after all. He would understand the need for peace. Nyx and Erebus freed Cronus and his fellow Titans from their prison in the Underworld. They freed the monstrous Typhon (who had once nearly killed Zeus single handedly).

While the gods were at their weakest, fighting amongst each other, Chaos and their forces struck. The world shook and shuddered as their targets were caught unaware and subdued.

Chaos did not only want to save humanity and the other creatures the gods had preyed upon. Chaos wanted to punish. They wanted to teach a lesson. To do this, they stripped the captured gods of their powers and hung them from the starry cosmos, each of them suspended in the ether, unable to move or speak. All they could do was look down upon the earth, where they saw flashes of life pass them by. They watched the world move on without them. They saw humans reduce them to mere stories or myths.

Humanity was left to grow and evolve without interference from the gods. Allowing mankind their freedom did not go as well as Chaos and their allies thought it would. Turns out, when left to their own devices, humans fuck up a lot. They constantly went to war with each other, in honor of deities who didn’t even exist. They polluted their home, weakening Gaia.